Solo Piano
World Famous Songs - (Piano/Vocal)
World Famous Songs - (Piano/Vocal)
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- A Swan [Grieg, Edvard]
- Amarilli, my fair one [Caccini, Francesca]
- At Parting [Rogers]
- Bendemeer's Stream [Chambers]
- Caro Mio Ben [Giordani, Giuseppe]
- Cradle Song [Brahms, Johannes]
- Dedication [Franz, Robert]
- Drink to me only [Willan, Healey]
- Early One Morning [Willan, Healey]
- Far From My Dear One [Sarti, Giuseppe]
- Florian's Song (Chanson de Florian) [Godard, Benjamin]
- Flow Gently, Sweet Afton [Spillman]
- I Judge The Not [Schumann, Robert]
- I Love Thee [Grieg, Edvard]
- I Love You Truly [Jacobs-Bond, Carrie]
- Joy of Love [Martini, Giovanni]
- Just awearyin' for You [Jacobs-Bond, Carrie]
- Last Night [Kjerulf]
- Last Rose of Summer [Moore]
- Legende [Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich]
- Little Boy Blue [Nevin, Ethelbert]
- Lost Chord [Sullivan]
- Maid of Ganges [Mendelssohn, Felix]
- Nina [Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista]
- None but the Lonely Heart [Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich]
- On Wings of Song [Mendelssohn, Felix]
- Rose Softly Blooming [Spohr, Louis (Ludwig)]
- Sapphische Ode [Brahms, Johannes]
- Serenade [Schubert, Franz]
- Since first I met thee [Rubinstein, Anton]
- Songs my mother taught me [Dvorak, Antonin]
- Star of my soul [Giordani, Giuseppe]
- Still as the night [Bohm, Carl]
- The Sweetest Story Ever Told [Stults]
- Thou art repose [Schubert, Franz]
- Thy Beaming Eyes [MacDowell, Edward]
- To me thou art a flower [Rubinstein, Anton]
- Weyla's Song [Wolf, Hugo]
- When Song is Sweet [Sans-Souci]
- When the Roses Bloom [Reichardt, Luise]
- Where'er you walk [Handel, George Frideric]
- Who is Sylvia [Schubert, Franz]